Lort Smith secures $50,000 grant for new Adoption Centre

Thanks to the generosity of Animal Welfare Victoria, Lort Smith has been successful in securing a $50,000 grant for the new Lort Smith Adoption Centre Campbellfield.

This brand new purpose-built Adoption Centre will take over from the services and facilities currently provided by our North Melbourne Adoption Hub. It will be a safe haven for surrendered animals who are ready for adoption, where they can play freely and let their true personalities shine.

Our new Adoption Centre will offer an interactive environment for our animals and adopters alike. It will have indoor-outdoor access so animals can have improved amenity with much-needed open, green space.

Cats in our care will benefit from a special purpose-built outdoor ‘catio’. Our Adoption Centre will also have more space for cats and more cat rooms where they can roam freely and behave more naturally.

And dogs aren’t forgotten either! Our canine friends will benefit from pens with outdoor space and a dog park to help us carry out behaviour assessments and training.

We’d like to thank Animal Welfare Victoria for their incredible support of Lort Smith Campbellfield.

Learn more and donate to our Capital Campaign.