Please note: completion of this form indicates an expression of interest only and does not guarantee adoption. *mandatory fieldName* Phone*Email Have you had a pocket pet before?* Yes No What species?* Do you currently have any pets?* Yes No What animals and how many?* Are your current pet/s registered with your local council?* Yes No What type of housing to you have?* Flat/Apartment Unit House Farm Do you live in a rental property?* Yes No Is there a possibility your living situation may change while a new pet is settling in?* Yes No Have you received landlord approval for a pet?* Yes No What are your normal working hours?* Will the pet be an indoor or outdoor pet?* Indoor Outdoor Both Where will the pet sleep?* Where will the pet be kept when you are out?* Who else lives in the house or will have regular contact with the pet?* Children Other adults Elderly Disabled Impaired N/A Do they have any pets who will have regular contact with the animal?* Yes No What age/s?* Do you travel regularly for work or holidays?* Yes No Who will look after the pet while you are away?* Are you fully aware of all the responsibilities and financial requirements regarding ownership of a pet?* Yes No Is there anything that you are aware of that would mean you will not be able to care for the animal for the rest of its life? E.g. moving/working overseas in the future* Yes No What arrangements would you put in place should that occur?* How did you hear about this animal?* Lort Smith website PetRescue website Social media Word of mouth Other How?* Is there anything else you would like to tell us about you, your household or lifestyle?