Inducing vomiting in dogs: Guidelines, risks, and when to seek help

Inducing vomiting in dogs should only be performed under the guidance of a veterinarian. While it may be effective in removing certain ingested toxins or foreign objects, if performed incorrectly it can cause significant harm to the animal.

If your vet advises you to induce vomiting at home, always follow their instructions carefully, as many substances are not safe to induce vomiting in dogs. Always supervise your pet when you induce vomiting to be sure that vomiting has occurred and the animal does not ingest the vomit.

Depending on what has been ingested, animals may require further treatment even where vomiting is induced.


When to consider inducing vomiting

Vomiting may be induced to:

  • Eliminate a recently ingested toxin or foreign body.

Important: Always consult with a veterinarian before attempting to induce vomiting. Some substances can cause more harm if vomited, and certain conditions make inducing vomiting dangerous.


When not to induce vomiting

Do not induce vomiting if your dog:

  • Is experiencing difficulty breathing.
  • Is unresponsive, lethargic, or showing signs of neurological impairment.
  • Has ingested caustic substances (e.g., acids, alkalis), sharp objects, or hydrocarbons (e.g., gasoline, kerosene).
  • Is exhibiting symptoms such as seizures or tremors.

In these situations, inducing vomiting can exacerbate the condition or cause additional injuries.

Immediate steps if ingestion occurs

  1. Contact your veterinarian immediately: Provide details about what your dog ingested, the amount, and the time of ingestion.
  2. Follow professional guidance: If advised to induce vomiting, adhere strictly to the veterinarian’s instructions.
  3. Monitor your dog: Keep a close watch on your dog’s condition and be prepared to transport them to the vet, if necessary.

Risks associated with inducing vomiting

Inducing vomiting improperly can lead to:

  • Aspiration pneumonia (inhalation of vomit into the lungs).
  • Oesophageal injury.
  • Worsening of the dog’s condition.

Concerned about what your dog has ingested? Contact Lort Smith immediately

If your dog has swallowed a potentially harmful substance, do not attempt to induce vomiting without professional advice. Our experienced veterinary team is available to provide immediate guidance and care to ensure your pet’s safety.