Flea control is vital to ensure the proper health and wellbeing of your pet. Fleas are blood feeders and a heavy burden can result in severe anaemia, especially in smaller dogs or cats. Additionally, they are the intermediate hosts (carriers) of certain species of tapeworm and saliva from their bites can result in severe skin allergies. Although humans are not their preferred hosts, we can still develop sores and rashes from flea bites.
A female flea can lay dozens of eggs per day that potentially develop into adult fleas. Flea eggs develop in warm, humid environments and hatch to form larvae. Depending on the conditions, the larvae can form a cocoon within a few days and a new flea can emerge from the cocoon in as few as 10 days, ready to infest a dog or cat. The number of fleas you can see on your pet represents a small percentage of the total number of the larvae and eggs that are in your home environment.
While most people think that fleas are a summer problem, for many of our pets that spend a lot of time indoors over the colder months, the warm heated environment inside is sufficient to keep the flea cycle going all year round.
It is therefore very important that carers diligently and regularly use flea treatment for their pets. There are many types of flea treatments available and many have combined treatments for worming control as well. Our dispensary or veterinary staff will be happy to advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your pet.