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It’s a beautiful day to read Companion
The summer Companion newsletter is here, filled with wonderful stories to warm your heart, thanks to our amazing community of supporters.
Fragile Rocco fresh start
Rocco, the sweet one-year-old English
Staffordshire Terrier x English Bulldog,
was surrendered by a breeder after a tough
and uncertain start in life.
No tie, no worries! Squirt’s going to be alright
Squirt, a spirited 12-and-a-half-year-old turtle, was brought to Lort Smith by his concerned owner, Vicki.
Tales to Tails
Lort Smith’s much-loved Tales to Tails
program is a special community initiative for children to practice reading aloud to the adorable cats and kittens at our Adoption Centre
Summer Companion
Read moreLort Smith is a not-for-profit organisation without ongoing government funding. Support from generous people like you can help provide each vital service to help keep pets and people together.
*Donating to Lort Smith online is secure and verified by VISA and MasterCard.