Six common skin conditions in dogs

No dog owner likes to see their pet irritated or in distress with a painful skin condition. While some skin conditions are largely superficial, others can cause your dog significant discomfort and even lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. It’s essential for pet owners to recognise the signs of skin problems, such as excessive scratching, redness, or unusual odours, and seek timely veterinary care to ensure their furry companions remain healthy and happy.



Dogs get dandruff just like humans. These dry skin flakes can be caused by various conditions, including environmental factors, under and over-grooming, diet, parasites, bacterial infections, diseases, and genetics.  If you suspect your dog has dandruff, seeking veterinary advice is important, as treatment will depend on the causes.

In many cases, a regular grooming routine will help to reduce the occurrence of dandruff. To learn more about grooming your dog, please read our blog.



Mange is a skin condition caused by parasitic mites that burrow into the skin, resulting in lesions, rashes, hair loss and irritation. The most common areas affected by mange in dogs are the elbows, front legs, mouth and the areas around the eyes. There are two types of mange: sarcoptic (also known as scabies) and demodectic.

Sarcoptic mange is contagious and can spread to other pets, whereas demodectic mange usually affects dogs with weakened immune systems. A vet will be able to diagnose, manage, and advise the type and how the best treatment for your pet.



Allergies in dogs are more common than people may realise. The three most common allergies in dogs are fleas, environmental, and food. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms of dog allergies can be similar to symptoms of other health conditions.

Signs of dog allergies:

  • Itchy, inflamed skin
  • Redness or rash, mainly on paws, ears, face, and tummy
  • Excessive licking or chewing
  • Vomiting or diarrhoea (in food allergies)
  • Sore or swollen ears
  • Sneezing and watery eyes (for environmental allergies)


To learn more about allergies in dogs, please read our blog.


Yeast Infections

Yeast infections in dogs can present as itchy, inflamed, and smelly patches of skin. Most yeast infections are caused by Malassezia pachydermatis, which naturally resides on a dog’s skin. However, in certain circumstances, an overgrowth can occur. Yeast infections usually occur in humid environments due to allergies or other health issues, such as hormonal imbalances. They present with redness, greasy or scaly skin, and a strong, musty odour and usually occur in ears, armpits, and paws.



Ringworm is a fungal infection that affects dogs’ skin, hair and nails. This highly contagious condition can spread to other pets or humans. Symptoms include circular patches of hair loss, redness, and scaly skin, often accompanied by itching. If you suspect your dog has ringworm, it is vital to keep it separate from other pets and seek veterinary treatment.

Your vet can prescribe antifungal treatment if needed and may also recommend appropriate shampoo and grooming to help manage the condition.

If you have other pets, regular cleaning, washing of bedding, and separate grooming tools, will help to minimise the spread of ringworm between animals.


Hot Spots

Hot Spots are painful, inflamed patches of skin that are usually red and moist and can quickly become infected if left untreated. They can be caused by allergies, flea infestations, or underlying skin conditions like eczema or infections.


To treat hot spots, you’ll need to address the underlying cause, such as managing fleas, allergies, or skin irritations. Good grooming practices can help keep your dog comfortable and happy.


If you believe your dog has a skin condition seeking veterinary advice. The good news is that once a vet has identified the skin condition your pet is suffering from, treatment is usually very straightforward, and soon your dog will be back to their happy tail-wagging self in no time. To book a consultation with our friendly team, please call 03 9328 3031 or visit our website.