Eight-year-old Winny is considered a ‘senior’ dog. She was adopted from Lort Smith in 2016 but sadly her carer’s health declined and she needed to be returned the following year. Sure, she has a few lumps and bumps and it’s fair to say she won’t be competing in any half-marathons, but she is the sweetest of hearts who just wants a quiet lap to sit on.
In 2017, we rehomed Winny to a home with two most perfect of laps – at 95 and 86 years old respectively, her new carers make for a perfect match!
Lort Smith strongly supports the message of ‘Adopt, Don’t Shop’. A great number of pups and kittens in pet stores or online are from puppy factories or backyard breeders, where profit comes first and animal welfare comes second.
Adopting a dog or cat from a shelter takes business away from breeders who may not have the best of intentions, and helps to reduce the number of unwanted animals in our community. Shelter pets have often been abandoned due to no fault of their own, and just need someone to give them a second chance!
Furthermore, there are many benefits of adopting an older pet. For starters, you don’t go through the stressful puppy phase so your shoes and remote controls are safer, plus there is less training to have to worry about!
We firmly believe people can find their perfect furry friend match at any age.